Pump Action Princess
Writing the Story

Pump Action Princess by MysticAlchemist book cover
Writing the Story of Pump Action Princess

Two and a half years I worked on this book. It should have been weeks.

The problem was that I loved the story I was writing but it had a taboo content that meant it had a restricted audience, and it didn’t have enough sex to fit well into the adult category. I’d written a story that very few would ever read.

Ideas of rewriting the story to remove the taboo content didn’t leave with the focus I wanted. I could have added more sex scenes, but then it felt like it was a completely different story, nothing like what I intended.

I left the manuscript for months. Every time I reread it, I became more determined than ever that it should stay substantially as it was. I did tinker with removing some sections to tighten the story, but it stayed a book that I liked but didn’t think would sell.

So now, two and a half years from when I started, the book is published. I know there are readers that enjoy slow gentle books, even one with taboo themes. And even though the book has more prepping ideas than people might want, I know I enjoy reading it myself and thinking how would I cope with that life.

